Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bulls Trade James Johnson to the Raptors for Miami 1st Rounder

***Update: According to multiple sources, the Bulls are getting Miami's 2011 1st rounder (acquired in the Bosh sign and trade) from the Raptors***

The Bulls made a blockbuster deal just a few moments ago sending James Johnson to the Toronto Raptors for a 2nd round pick (not what pick exactly, have heard future).

Not a fan of the deal unless this opens up another deal like trading for Houston's Courtney Lee. As far as I understand, this deal opens up enough room where the Bulls can trade picks to the Rockets for Lee and still stay under the cap. Same goes for Anthony Parker who I'm going to punch a wall if we trade for him.

I really do want Courtney Lee though. Think he'd be a perfect fit for this team. Not only does he bring very solid defense but he can hit the open 3 which is something we need. He proved this when he was in Orlando and teams were collapsing on Dwight. He hit open 3 after open 3 and was a huge reason why that Magic team got to the finals. With D Rose and Boozer making defenses collapse on them, this will give Lee the same luxury here.

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